SMART DESIGNER, the cutting-edge technology for factory layout

A strategic, dynamic analysis tool developed by E80 Group to transform customers’ factories into industry 4.0. What’s the main advantage? The opportunity to determine the optimal intralogistics solutions from the very beginning

The simulation software for designing smart factories

Smart Designer is a discrete event simulation software modeled on and integrated with E80 Group logic. This essential tool permits future operating scenarios to be analyzed for distribution centers and high-volume consumer product factories, in order to identify the best possible intralogistics solutions. SmartDesigner can optimize processes in plants where numerous variables are involved, verify flows, identify potential criticalities well in advance, and validate the most appropriate control logic. 

Whether applied to brownfield or greenfield sites, discrete event simulation is decisive in developing smart factories: integrated and automated factories that are flexible enough to adapt to the needs of the market and respond rapidly to possible changes. 

Why use Smart Designer to develop Industry 4.0?

The solutions that we offer to our customers are based on over 40 years of experience accumulated in various industrial contexts and include the implementation of hundreds of integrated factories in different parts of the world, significant investments in research and development, customized feasibility studies, the sharing of advanced hardware-software know-how, and continuity of service. 

Smart Designer plays a fundamental role in optimizing today’s and tomorrow’s factories.

Thanks to its 95% reliability, it satisfies the need for tailor-made logistic solutions that remain valid over time. Thanks to this tool, we can evaluate and verify the KPIs of an entire project and offer performance guarantees that we can commit to contractually for the entire life of the plant.

How the Smart Designer software optimizes intralogistics flows

The dynamic simulation approach to plant design takes account of a range of elements: variability of the factors involved, the simultaneous nature of system flows, and the sequencing of operations.
Our System Analyst and System Engineers dialogue with the customer's own team, who know their company's needs and business, then:

  • Study the factory's historical data to understand its working methods and to obtain an overview of its functioning;
  • Analyze dynamically, for months at a time, how the intralogistics flow behaves when different variables are introduced one a time;
  • define a functional solution able to respond to growth forecasts. 

Dynamic simulation, as a complement to static analysis, offers various advantages

  • comparison between different scenarios for the same project to analyze how the entire system behaves; 
  • quantification of system performance in the short and long term;
  • identification of benefits even before the proposed solution is put into place;
  • customization of KPIs, real-time or post, thanks to an integrated reporting system; 
  • knowing beforehand which KPIs to monitor once the plant starts up, and how to monitor them. 

HIGHLIGHTS – Customer benefits

“We commit” is more than a slogan

  • Smart Designer allows us to evaluate and verify the performance of an entire project and to offer guarantees for the project's lifetime that we are prepared to write into the contract. We do not ensure the efficiency of just one machine; we offer the certainty of an integrated and automated solution. 
  • Smart Designer is essential in making the right choice and in achieving maximum customer satisfaction. Simulating and comparing different functioning scenarios allows us to save valuable time in the project engineering stage by identifying and resolving criticalities early. 
  • Smart Designer lets us experiment in a protected environment, safely and without risks, well before any investment in machinery is made and, more importantly, without impacting daily operations. The advantages extend well beyond the project design phase, too: Smart Designer can be used again in future to test subsequent modifications to the plant. 

Learn more about SmartDesigner, watch the video!

TIME IS NOW! The use of simulation in the factory's intralogistic design from E80 Group on YouTube.