When accuracy meets sustainability: evian

Teamwork and the ability to be a partner for our customers: a winning mix.


How to find a reliable, scalable, end - to - end solution in tight spaces?

SMART DESIGNER, the cutting-edge technology for factory layout

A strategic, dynamic analysis tool developed by E80 Group to transform customers’ factories into industry 4.0. What’s the main advantage? The opportunity to determine the optimal intralogistics solutions from the very beginning

E80 Group and Tetra Pak: integration is part of our DNA

Since 2007, E80 Group has been collaborating with Tetra Pak worldwide, developing automated logistics solutions for producers of consumer goods in the dairy, beverage and food sectors, which fully integrate with the Swedish multinational’s processing and packaging systems.

An advanced factory in the heart of Champagne

A project of previously unseen dimensions and performance levels. A new successful case study for our Group in the beverage market.

A great example of a Smart Factory in the tissue paper sector

Innovations that ensure the efficiency and sustainability of the entire tissue supply chain. The successful collaboration between our companies and Sofidel Group.

What is Smart Factory

What if we were to define the concept of “Smart Factory”?

First and foremost, we need to keep in mind the bigger picture that lead companies to embrace Industry 4.0 . Secondly, the actual definition: Smart Factory is an integrated system of automated instruments and productive processes that optimizes the logistics of raw materials and final products within an industrial plant. 

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